Douglas M. Stacy, D.P.M.
Podiatric Surgery & Medicine
Green Valley Medical Center
To Whom It May Concern:
I have been using Stevens Skin Softener Cream for dry, xerotic skin for approximately four years. I have found it to be the best non-prescription skin cream available. Any one who has a problem with dry, crackling skin should try it. They will be amazed at the improvement. On the average day I recommend Stevens Cream four to five times to my patients. I highly recommend it!
Douglas M. Stacy, D.P.M. – Henderson, Nevada
Billie Coffin
Clinic Director
The Intermountain Dermatology Foundation
We thought you might be interested in knowing of some very positive results in treating patients with severe Psoriasis, Eczema, and Atopic Dermatitis of the hands and feet.
Recently we began giving samples of a new cosmetic skin cream (Stevens Skin Softener), and we’re a little startled at the number of people who have better healing in the hands and feet than ever before. The number of cracked and bleeding hands we see healing that resisted other treatments seems too great to ignore.
In any case, it seemed significant enough to make the National Psoriasis Foundation aware.
Billie Coffin – Salt Lake City, Utah
Clinic Director
Dr. John White
WSU Pharmacy/HREC
Re: Recent evaluation of moisturizers by Visiting Nurses
Several findings from this three week use survey warrant mentioning including the following. In a single blinded (the nurses did not know which products they were testing, all containers were white and without identifying labels), head on comparison:
Nurses thought that Stevens was less greasy than Keri by a ration of Ten to One.
Twice as many nurses said they would recommend Stevens (over Keri) to their patients.
When comparing Stevens to Lubriderm in terms of moisturizing properties nurses chose Stevens about Five Times more frequently than Lubriderm.
Nurses said they would recommend Stevens (over Lubriderm) to their patients by a ratio of Three to One.
Twice as many nurses identified Stevens as having better moisturizing properties than Vaseline Intensive Care.
These findings strongly suggest that Stevens is not only as good as its competitors, but far superior.
Dr. John White
WSU Pharmacy/HREC
Dear Sir:
I recently purchased your product, an 8 oz. tube of Stevens Skin Softener Cream. I must tell you it is the best I have ever used. It leaves the skin feeling soft and silky even after I washed my hands. I just love that soft feeling that it leaves. Please don’t ever stop making it. You have a customer for life.
Fannie M. Greene
We have been using Stevens Skin Softener Cream for the last few months. My patients seem well satisfied with its use. Many of them have found it to be more effective than the other creams and lotions that we had been using for their Eczema and dry skin. It certainly has been helpful in the management of several of my patients.
Yours sincerely,
Rob Lindsay, M.D. – Salt Lake City, Utah
Pam Nye
To whom it may concern:
I wanted to let you know I have Eczema on my chin pretty bad on each side of my nose and starting in my eyebrow. I have used many creams, medications, and also prescriptions and nothing has helped. In fact it has gotten drier than ever. So, I decided to use your cream. I LOVE it. It has taken away all the dry, cracked skin and keeps it smooth so it’s hardly noticeable. I use it three times a day, everyday. Your cream is the best. I admit I hate the price of but it’s well wort
h the price and then some.
Pam Nye, a well satisfied customer
Billie N. Coffin, Clinic Director
Intermountain Dermatology Psoriasis Treatment Center
Three years ago we added Stevens Skin Softener to our choices of moisturizers available to patients to use for re hydration of skin following ultra-violet therapy. Stevens has become the first choice of a great majority of patients in treatment. The product is free of artificial fragrances and of animal products, which often are sources of irritation to sensitive and fissured skin. We have found it especially beneficial in keeping psoriasis-effected feet supple enough to minimize cracking and bleeding, resulting in UV treatments continuing through course without interruption to allow bleeding skin to heal.
Many of those who use Stevens during a course of UV therapy report they continue use daily between treatments to control the dryness common to psoriasis.
We appreciate the consistent high quality of Stevens Skin Softener and feel confidence in recommending it as a safe and helpful product.
Billie N. Coffin – Salt Lake City, Utah
Clinic Director
Dear Sir:
I have tried your Stevens Skin Softener Creams for approximately 3 months. I am a Psoriasis sufferer with approximately 50% body covered and recently started PUVA light treatments. Your products are truly incredible. PUVA treatments cause you to become very dry and itchy. But your cream is marvelous and offers great relief from the dreaded itch and flaking.
These are great products and I would recommend your creams to any one with dry skin. This is the best relief I have ever found. I have tried many creams and moisturizers over the past twenty years of suffering.
You have done a wonderful job at creating products which definitely relieves skin itching.
Yours Truly,
Ross Welte – Abottsford, B.C. Canada
George W. Middleton, M.D.
Middleton Urological Associates
It is with great pleasure that I endorse the Stevens skin products which my wife and I have now used for at least two years. We have tried any number of different lotions for chronic skin irritation. As a surgeon I may scrub my hands for 3 – 10 minutes over ten times a day. The cleansing soaps which kill bacteria also are caustic to the skin, and especially during the cold winter months my hands and fingers crack and become unmanageable.
Thanks to the Stevens skin products I no longer experience cracked fingers and rough hands.
I do not find the product greasy or objectionable in any way, and I am pleased to give you the highest possible endorsement.
George W. Middleton, M.D. – Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Mr. Stevens,
I’ve been a diabetic for only one year. I’m a 36 years old female with extremely dry skin. Your samples were excellent. Thank you for letting me try the product first. Now I will always buy it! Thank you. I’m a Type One diabetic and take insulin 4 times a day due to a surgically removed pancreas. I’m in and out of hospitals all the time and hospitals dry your skin horribly. Your product is the greatest; I love it.
Your sincerely,
Paulette Flynn
“Guaranteed To Relieve Your Dry Skin Problem”
Or It Costs You Nothing!
Stevens Skin Softener has proved to be a product of many uses for me in the treatment of a multitude of conditions in my practice of Podiatric Medicine. I have used this cream on hundreds of patients. I have found it useful for any dry skin condition, dry fissured callus conditions, in conjunction with anti fungal cream
s for tinea infections, for post operative use on incisions, and treatment of skin after use of casts. These are only a few of the many uses of this product in the practice of Podiatric Medicine and I highly recommend that you give it a try.
Karen Hurley
Usually this time of year when the weather is changing my skin is horribly dry. However, afte
r using Stevens Skin Cream for just one week I’ve noticed a welcome difference in skin softness. It’s been nice to get rid of the itchiness and scaliness.
Thanks Stevens Skin Cream!
Karen Hurley – Ogden, Utah
Robert Parnell
Dear Sirs:
For about 50 years I applied Williams Pre-electric shaving lotion to my face and shaved with an electric razor. When my facial skin began to give problems I went to my Dermatologist who informed me that my skin at age 70 was no longer able to tolerate the alcohol in the lotion.
After experimenting with several alternative methods I finally reached the conclusion that Stevens Cream was the best. For the past three years I have shaved with Stevens Cream on my face and a throw-away plastic razor which has resulted in a clean shave with no damage to my skin. Since it has worked so well for me I am mildly curious as to why you do not advertise your product to be the world’s best shaving cream for sensitive skin which it is.
Your very truly,
Robert Parnell – Waco, Texas
Stevens Skin Softener Cream is a product that I was introduced to about one year ago. i have used it with great success. I now consider this product my first choice for hydration of dry skin condition over all other over-the-counter or prescription products.
I have found it to be extremely helpful for conditions of heel hyperkeratosis and fissuring. Regular use for this condition has resulted in less hyperkeratotic build up and much less tendency for fissuring. Regular use for any plantar keratoma has allowed slower build up of hyperkeratomosis, more supple tissues at these sights and more duration of comfort for patients needing pallative care of hyperkeratotic conditions.
I highly recommend his product for use in the practice of Podiatric Medicine and for anyone else treating hyperkeratotic or dry skin conditions.
Steven R. Jones, D.P.M. – Salt Lake City, Utah
Deidra Groth, R.N.
University of Utah
Thank you, once again, for the samples of Stevens Skin Softener Cream you left for our department to try. The most vocal responses have come from our own Radiation Therapy staff. One of the Radiation Therapists, absolutely raves about your product. She has bought it for her entire family to use. The therapist in charge of the treatment planning, particularly like the Kiwi scented lotion. With as many times as the therapists have to wash their hands throughout the day, you can imagine how much they appreciate a good moisturizing cream.
Generally the patients really like the samples, and it does keep their skin from drying out too much from the radiation therapy.
Deidra Groth, R.N.
Faye Rappleye
My mother-in-law (who lived in Draper), came to recuperate with us for a few months after arterial surgery. She was using your Stevens Skin Softener Cream (upon her doctor’s recommendation), on the scar and offered some to my daughter and I as we both have skin so dry it cracks and bleeds.
Never (and I do mean NEVER), have we found a product that provided as much immediate and long term relief! It healed the cracks between our fingers, stopped the flaking on my legs and from my point of view is excellent cosmetically because it eased the wrinkles in my face (only the fine areas of course), and completely eliminated the kind of turkey looking skin around my neck.
Please send me your product as we are desperate. If you’ve ever had skin this dry, you’ll know what I mean. The tubes we bought in Salt Lake are long gone and nothing else we have tried works as well and believe me this list is a long one.
Faye and Cindy Rappleye – Roseville California